Maori Warrior Doll with Cloak, PiuPiu Skirt
Maori Warrior Doll with Cloak, PiuPiu Skirt.
Kakahu - The Clothes of the Maori.
The dressing of the maori was an intricate handcraft, with differing designs according to tribe, and ranking within the tribe. Personal adornments consisted of bone, greenstone and the art of Moko (Carving of the face), which was peculiar to the New Zealand Maori.
The Hei-Hei ot Tiki, a greenstone symbol of fertility worn around the neck was highly valued and handed down from generation to generation. Greenstone and bone earrings were also worn.
The headbands and bodices were woven in different patterns and designs, also according to tribe. The Pui Pui, skirts made of flax, were carefully scraped form a pattern, then dyed in the mud pools.
Cloaks were made of various materials according to climate and ranking in the tribe. Dog hair, wood-pidgeon feathers and flax (for wet weather) were used. Full Kiwi feather cloaks, which took many months to make, were worn by chiefs only.
Pois, made of Raupo, were originally used by warriors to keep their wrists supple for battle. Now they are used by the Wahines in their action songs, which tell various stories. The Spear, commonly used by warriors, is called a Taiaha.
Size 17cm H.