Bone Engraved Whale Tail with Paua Pendant - 50mm
Bone Engraved Whale Tail with Paua Pendant.
This Maori Bone and Paua Whale Tail Necklace is a beautiful piece of carving bringing together cow bone and native NZ paua shell.
There's so much to this carving.
There's the beautiful natural New Zealand paua (abalone) shell, with its irridescent shades of blue, green, pink and purple, with no two pieces the same.
Then there's the equally beautiful piece of cow bone whale tail carving, with koru surface carving.
The whale is culturally important to Maori.
Sea creatures were particularly revered, and whales and dolphins were believed to help some Maori navigate their way across the South Pacific during the Great Migration.
So whales are symbols of protection, and today this includes protection for travellers on all modes of transport.
The whale is a symbol of great size and intelligence, and carvings of whales appear on some Maori meeting houses or food storehouses.
The Koru design, on the top of the bone part of the whale tail, represents the unfurling new fern frond, and signifies peace, tranquility, new beginnings, and personal change.
Paua used in Jewellery.
New Zealand Paua (Abalone) when used in jewellery is said to bring prosperity, good luck and peace to the wearer.
Size Approx 30 H x 50mm W.